Philips Hue Gradient Signe Floor disassembly
The project of extending the Philips Hue Gradient Signe Floor (initial ideas here Philips Hue Gradient Signe floor - interesant dar cu loc de îmbunătățiri) assumes to have access and disconnect the LED rod.
We need some tools and I will use an iFixit:
- a blade to remove the top cover, iFixit Jimmy
- Torx TR6 and Torx TR20 bits
There are 2 types of screws, the TR6 are keeping the LED rod fixed to the base and the TR20 are keeping the external case fixed to the base.
First step is to remove the top cover using iFixit Jimmy, this is easy as the cover is not glued.
After this we can see the LED rod, the controller board and the power supply.
After removing the TR6 screws the rod can be lifted and the cable disconnected.
Next step is to remove the TR20 screws to remove the external case. This will allow an easier access to the components.
We can now see the controller board that has the LED controller and the wireless module and the 24 volts power supply which can provide 40 W.
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